Starting my own business has been one of the most exhilarating experiences of my life. But it is so stimulating, fast-paced, and exhausting that it’s easy to neglect taking the time to pull up and reflect on what I’m learning.
Of course, on a more tactical level, my team and I are constantly discussing what we are learning and making a thousand tiny adjustments and decisions as a result. But it’s these larger insights from what was the hardest working year of my life, 2017, and a pretty intense start to 2018 so far, that I think are most valuable when looking in.
What I find hard about feedback is not taking it personally. Often I find myself listening to feedback and getting stuck feeling crummy about myself or my work. Finally I wised up and realized what a gift feedback actually is and how to deal with it, even though its still a bitch!
A few years ago at my firm, we were doing culture workshops with teams around the world. There was a discussion about the idea of the proverbial grass being “greener” at competitors. Colleagues shared, “at Aon they do this or at Willis they do that” and that maybe everyone should go work elsewhere. At the back of the room, some very wise woman piped up and said, “If the grass is brown, water your own damn grass!” Amen - I couldn’t have said it better!
What stands between you and your greatness? You.
You Are The Problem. Yep, that’s the sobering yet empowering news. The bad news is it makes you responsible. The good news is it gives you access and power to do something about it.
What will your legacy be? Specifically in the context of your career, even your current role, have you considered what kind of mark you want to make? This is a question I find that very few people consider. Yet, focusing on the legacy you leave can help accelerate your career.