What I Offer:
There's a stigma that goes with the average keynote speaker. Audience eyes glazed watching slide after slide and boring subjects that may educate but lack the motivation to inspire. As a speaker, I break through this stigma. I will enrich, enlighten and most of all excite. What I offer is a unique and inspiring experience. Keynotes chocked full of useful insights, humor and passion. Yes, the audience will be engaged but more importantly they'll leave the room on fire and ready to act.
My Style:
Whether you want suit and tie or hoody and bluejeans, I'm your guy. Whatever the setting, I'm game. Be sure your audience is ready because my style is real and raw. I'm a storyteller and an educator rolled into one. You will get humor and excitement. You won't get boring or ordinary.
The Ideal Audience:
wants something different that will leave them changed
is ready to hear fun, real and raw stories
is not afraid to think differently and be challenged
is eager to laugh and have fun
“Today I do what others won’t so that tomorrow I can do what other’s can’t.”
A Sample Experience:
My March 2012 presentation at HCI's Human Capital Summit in Scottsdale, Arizona. I explain the context, approach and results of Marsh's MU and IGNITE initiatives as part of the larger human capital strategy.
Want To Know More?
I want to hear from you. Having what you want could be a click away. Get started now.